Six Methods to Show the Current Username in Your Mendix Application

Vinicius Strugata Ambrosio
5 min readJun 25, 2024


Suppose you need to show the current user name in your Mendix-made application. How can you achieve this goal? There are some methods to get this result, and I’ll show you six of them in this article.

Method 1

  • [M1-1] Open the Domain Model, create a Non-persistent Entity called CurrentUsername, and define one String attribute called Name. Set the access rules as shown below:
  • [M1-2] Create a Microflow called DS_MF_CurrentUsername_Create and add to this microflow a Create activity, defining the Name attribute as $currentUser/Name. Set the entity created as the microflow’s result:
  • [M1-3] In your page, create a Dataview using the DS_MF_CurrentUsername_Create as context and add a Text combining a fixed text and a parameter pointing to the Name attribute:
  • [M1–4] The final result will be like below:

Method 2

  • [M2–1] Create a Nanoflow called DS_NF_CurrentUser and define a Retrieve activity to get the current User using the XPath [id='[%CurrentUser%]'] as XPath constraint. Also, get only the First result in Options/Range. Define User as nanoflow’s result:
  • [M2–2] In your page, create a Dataview using the DS_NF_CurrentUser as context and add a Text combining a fixed text and a parameter pointing to the Name attribute:
  • [M2–3] The final result will be like below:

Method 3

  • [M3–1] Create a Javascript action called JSA_CurrentUser with no parameters that return a System.User object, as shown below:
import "mx-global";
import { Big } from "big.js";

* @returns {Promise.<MxObject>}
export async function JSA_CurrentUser() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {{
guid: mx.session.getUserId(),
callback: resolve,
error: reject
  • [M3–2] Create a Nanoflow called DS_NF_CurrentUser_2. Call the Javascript action created earlier and return the object retrieved as the result:
JSAction to retrieve the current user: credits to Andrej Gajduk
  • [M3–3] In your page, create a Dataview using the DS_NF_CurrentUser_2 as context and add a Text combining a fixed text and a parameter pointing to the Name attribute:
  • [M3–4] The final result will be like below:

Method 4

  • [M4–1] Install the HTML Snippet widget from the Market Place.
  • [M4–2] In your page, drop a Text that you want to show the user name and also the HTML Snippet, as shown below:
  • [M4–3] Open the HTML Snippet properties and select Javascript in Content type.
  • [M4–4] Then, use the javascript snippet below in Contents:
var elemUser = document.getElementsByClassName('mx-name-text15')[0];
elemUser.innerHTML = mx.session.getUserName();
  • [M4–5] In addition, define the additional properties as shown below:
  • This script uses the Mendix JavaScript API, more specifically the mx session Namespace.
  • Observe that text15 used as a parameter in the method getElementsByClassName is the Text widget’s name in which you want to show the current user name, with the prefix 'mx-name-'.
  • [M4–6] The final result will be like below:

Method 5

  • This is a creative variation of the Method 1, in which we use the $currentUser variable to get the Current User. Why not return the current user by itself?
  • [M5–1] Create a Microflow called DS_MF_CurrentUser and define the variable $currentUseras return value:
  • [M5–2] In your page, create a Dataview using the DS_MF_CurrentUser as context and add a Text combining a fixed text and a parameter pointing to the Name attribute:
  • [M5–3] The final result will be like below:

Method 6

  • [M6–1] Install the Events widget from the Market Place.
  • [M6–2] In your page, drop a Text that you want to show the user name and also the Events widget, as shown below:
  • [M6–3] Create a JavaScript Action that requires a Name(String) as input. Use the code shown below:
* @param {string} name
* @returns {Promise.<void>}
export async function JSA_ChangeTextToCurrentUsername(name) {
var elemUser = document.getElementsByClassName(`mx-name-${name}`)[0];
elemUser.innerHTML = mx.session.getUserName();
  • [M6–4] Create a Nanoflow called IVK_OnPageLoad that calls the JavaScript Action created earlier (with the Name parameter pointing to the name of the Text widget you want to replace with the current user name):
  • [M6–5] Double-click on the Events widget to edit the properties. Change the Component load action to Call a Nanoflow, pointing to the Nanoflow we've created in step M6–4.
  • [M6–6] The final result, showing all methods is shown below:

Comments & Conclusions

  • These are very simple methods to get the current user name. They can be easily integrated with your business logic.
  • I personally prefer the 4th method or the 6th method (mostly this one), as they don’t require a DataView or Object/Entity.
  • You can encapsulate your preferred method in a Snippet associated with a Nanoflow/Microflow and organize them in a Layout inside a style module called YourCompany_Theme.
  • Do you have another method to get the user name? Could you spot any flaws in the above methods? Please share in the comments!

See Also



Vinicius Strugata Ambrosio
Vinicius Strugata Ambrosio

Written by Vinicius Strugata Ambrosio

Mendix Developer, Python Enthusiast and Flutter/Dart Learner —

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